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Tips on Keeping Calm When You Are About To Propose

Does the thought of proposing make you fearful of stumbling over your words or sweating profusely during your well thought out speech? Fear not, todays post offers some simple tips on keeping calm during what will be one of the most important moments of your life.

♡ Practice and be prepared – While you may not have a long proposal speech prepared, it’s important to have an idea of what you are going to say when the time comes. This helps avoid any slips of the tongue when you utter those important words. You want the proposal to be from the heart and authentic, so don’t get too wrapped up on the perfect speech, but do get a few practices in before the moment.

♡Have a banana 20 minutes before you propose. Eat a Banana you ask! As silly as it may sound, this tip is often used by professional public speakers, giving a nice energy boost which helps reduce your nerves.

♡Think of a funny story before you propose and smile.Nothing so funny that you lose your focus, but something mildly titillating, that will bring a smile to your face. This will loosen you up, and give a nice energy to the moment.

♡Speak slowly and clearly.If you are nervous, you will feel the urge to speed up and your proposal and your words may become unclear. So try to consciously slow yourself down and speak clear so your lady can savor every word.

♡Make eye contact - Don’t be distracted by what is going on round you. Keep your eyes on your lady and stay in the moment.

♡Lastly, remember to simply enjoy yourself!Your life isn’t going to end if you make a few mistakes………and it will be over in just a few minutes, so enjoy the moment and have fun!

We hope today’s post helps those of you who are ready to pop the big question! And don’t forget, that Proposal Boutique can assist in planning a proposal your lady will never forget. Contact us now for more information.

With Love

Caroline - Proposal Boutique x



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