So you are ready to propose and you are gearing up for the big day, one vital factor you must consider is ‘secrecy’. The last thing you want to do is have her find out and kill any of the suspense or surprise leading up to the big ‘WILL YOU MARRY ME?’
Below, I have compiled a list of tips to help you keep your surprise proposal, top secret.
Don't tell a soul: - Most of us have experienced the aftermath of a motor mouth; you know, the aunty who let slip about your girlfriends surprise birthday party or the friend who just can’t contain her excitement on hearing about your starring role in a movie…OK, maybe that was a little farfetched, he-he! Whilst telling your accomplice or proposal confidant is OK (if you have one) make sure you trust them implicitly and don’t tell anyone else unless they are directly involved in the surprise. The more people you tell, the more likely it is that someone will let slip.

Find the perfect hiding spot for the ring: - Don’t hide the ring in a place she will find easily or can access easily, i.e.: the bedroom underwear drawer, your car glove box or the ‘important documents’ filing cabinet. Hide the ring somewhere safe and somewhere she rarely visits, i.e. your man cave gadget box with a lock, alternately, you can also keep the ring in a secure safety box at a bank.
Don’t be obvious: - OK, we know you are excited or nervous, but don’t give little winks or pace around the room lilke a crazy man; avoid any unfamilar changes to your normal behaviour. If you bring attention to the fact that you're hiding something, you might as well let the cat out of the bag straight away. If you have regular date nights, think about proposing then; arranging your proposal on a day that is completely out of your normal routine may give away the surpise.

Watch how you use social media: - You and she are friends on Facebook right? These days we can see each others every move via social media platforms, if you start 'liking' every proposal related feature or page, she will see! If you really want to use social media for ideas and contacts, think about creating a temporary account and name it something silly like 'proposal spy'. Some jewellers also ask if you wish to share your purchase on social media such as Facebook. It is best to disable such options when you purchase your ring. Lastly, be mindful of what you say on status updates.
I hope the above tips help, and I wish you all the best on your secret proposal plans.
Caroline - Proposal Boutique x